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Call center Dialer

Learning Objective 03: Understanding Call center Dialer
1. Manual dialer.
2. Preview dialer.
3. Progressive dialer.
4. Predictive dialer

Manual Dialer
• Have to dial manually.
• Tangible phones.
• Also known as hard phones.
• Example: home phones, mobile phones.
Preview Dialer
• It is a device that shows account information.
• It is also a sort of manual dialer.
• Also known as soft phone.
• It allows the agent to preview the information before instructing the dialer to dial or not to dial.
Progressive Dialer
• Shows account information after the number is dialed.
• This dialer is more automated than a preview dialer but less automated than a predictive dialer.

• This is an automatic dialer.

Predictive dialer
• This is an automatic dialer.
• Give live calls to agents.
• It omits other responses such as wrong calls, answering machines, busy signals etc.

• It has an option of dialing manually

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